Discord Pokemon Go Snipe Bot

Discord bot for scrawling rare pokemons and post to your snipe channel. Manage your snipe channel with automatically clean any trash talk.

View the Project on GitHub enjoy2000/discord-pokemon-go-snipe-bot



You have to grant Manage Messages to your bot

Buy me a beer

Simple chat bot to delete messages that not contain lat/long and pokemon name So message for spottings need to be in this format

lat,long pokemon_name [IV] [extra info]

If not, the messages will be deleted automatically.


  • Python 3.4.2+
  • aiohttp library
  • websockets library
  • PyNaCl library (optional, for voice only)
    • On Linux systems this requires the libffi library. You can install in debian based systems by doing sudo apt-get install libffi-dev.

Usually pip will handle these for you.

Getting Started

git clone git@github.com:enjoy2000/discord-pokemon-go-snipe-bot.git
cd discord-pokemon-go-snipe-bot
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
cp config.json.sample config.json

Grab your api_key (bot token) and put it in config.json, also modify your channel name

Finaly start your bot

python3 bot.py # For messages management
python3 bot.py scrawl # For pokenipers.com scrawler

*You can use some processes monitor like Monit or Supervisor to keep your bot alive.

Adding Bot To Your Channel

  • Add bot to your server Add bot to your server
  • Now you can run bot to manage your channels